Author: Brian Hunter

2024 US Solar Market Snapshot

In this Solar Market Snapshot, we’ve highlighted key developments and trends in the US solar market thus far in 2024, with relevant links so you can explore more in-depth at your convenience and form your own opinions about the forces shaping this dynamic industry.

Solar Market Snapshot: April 2023

The first quarter of 2023 may have had a slow start, but there’s plenty happening in the industry. From factory announcements to congressional debates and bank collapses, catch up on key trends and events from the past few weeks in our latest market snapshot.

Solar Market Snapshot: Why 2023 is Off to a Record Slow Start

When the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into law last August, projections for solar adoption soared. In spite of the sunny predictions, since the fourth quarter of 2022, project starts have been lackluster. With all the incentives in place for switching to clean energy, what’s going on? And when can we expect things to ramp up again? Keep reading for a rundown on the factors at play as well as our educated opinion on what to expect next.